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C3 webinar - Circular consumption in cities
20 February 2025, 10:00 - 11:30
- online
How can cities adopt a more circular model of consumption, transforming from centres of over-consumption and waste generation to champions of circular economy and wellbeing?
On 20 February (10:00-11:30 CET) the Circular City Centre – C3 will host a webinar where it will present its new guidance document on Circular consumption in cities, highlighting how cities can facilitate access to, promote and incentivise more circular consumption options.
Cities are at the heart of a global transformation, shaping how we live and consume. As vibrant hubs of commerce and culture, urban areas have increasingly driven excessive consumption, encouraging a linear "take-make-waste" system. This has driven material extraction and fuelling waste generation at unprecedented rates. The C3 guidance document showcases how cities and solution providers are integrating the 9R strategies for circular consumption into their urban toolbox, projects and solutions.
During the webinar, the Circular City Advisory (CCA) and Circular Project Advisory (CPA) programmes will also be presented. This programme is designed to help cities start the process of formulating a circular city strategy, prepare a circular project pipeline and develop impactful circular projects that can secure financing and progress to implementation. Finally, participants will get a teaser of the upcoming C3 e-learning tool, soon to be released.
This webinar is open to any actor keen to learn more about the opportunities the circular economy offers in an urban context. This session is a valuable opportunity for policymakers, city planners, sustainability professionals, and anyone interested in actionable strategies for circular consumption.
Register to stay informed on this and future C3 webinars. You will receive a link for the webinar and updates on future C3 webinars.
Please use the following link to register for the webinar:
Image (Circle Economy)
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This project has received funding from the Bio-based Industries Joint Undertaking (JU) under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No. 101023280. The JU receives support from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme and the Bio-based Industries Consortium.