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CIRCULAR BIOCARBON presented at the CBE JU Stakeholder Forum

11 December 2023

CIRCULAR BIOCARBON presented at the CBE JU Stakeholder Forum

On 7 December CIRCULAR BIOCARBON participated in the session “Overcoming the challenges of biorefineries” at the CBE JU Stakeholder Forum. The session aimed to share best practices and discuss the main challenges in the construction of biorefineries as well as the opportunities that arise in the implementation of these large and complex projects funded by BBI JU/CBE JU.

Eduardo Fernández, innovation director at project coordinator URBASER represented CIRCULAR BIOCARBON at the session. The event highlighted the major challenges faced by flagship biorefinery projects, the role of national and regional authorities in permitting processes, how EU funding contributed to these projects, and the development of the consortia.

From a content perspective, it was also discussed how logistic supply chains, as well as the sustainable supply of biomass, affect the preparation and operation of the biorefinery. In addition participants got a better understanding of actors all along the value chain were involved in the process.

The first CBE JE Stakeholder Forum was held in Brussels to discuss the future of the European bio-based sector. It focused on three key questions:

  • How to stimulate demand for circular bio-based solutions?
  • How to facilitate access to finance to scale up circular bio-based production in Europe?
  • What R&I do we need to keep European leadership in the bio-based sector in the medium-long term?

More informationa about the Forum can be found here.


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Bio Based Industries Joint Undertaking
Bio Based Industries Consortium
European Union

This project has received funding from the Bio-based Industries Joint Undertaking (JU) under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No. 101023280. The JU receives support from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme and the Bio-based Industries Consortium.