
Here you will find current and upcoming events all over Europe on the topics of circular economy for bio-waste, bioeconomy, wastewater management, and much more. Stay tuned!


11 - 13 April 2022

Wageningen, Netherlands - Wageningen University & Research


A transition towards a circular bio-based and climate-smart society is the answer to many of the societal challenges we are facing today. Circular systems in the green and in the blue domain will close water, nutrient and carbon cycles and from this, minimize resource losses and climate change effects, and hence assure that society can live within the planetary boundaries.

The Conference Circular @ Wageningen University & Research is built around the graph of the Sustainable development Goals as shown in the figure Sustainable Developing Goals (SDG). In this graphic the SDGs fall apart into 4 categories: 1) the Biosphere (the bottom ring); 2) society (the middle ring); 3) Economy (the top ring) and 4) SDG 17 for partnerships that is connecting all three rings like a pin. Each of these themes will be introduced by highly relevant and impactful keynote speakers.

Based on the call for sessions, the organising committee has developed a program that supports the identification of pathways to accelerate the transition towards a circular bio-based society. The program involves relevant and impactful keynotes; masterclasses and workshops to learn and experience the circular challenge; scientific sessions presenting the latest scientific developments; and visits to the most innovative circular companies in the Netherlands.

The event will take place as a normal physical conference on Wageningen Campus. For those for whom it is not possible to attend physically, the possibility is offered to follow it online, as the entire conference will be broadcast via live stream. If COVID-19 regulations do not allow live hosting of the conference, the event will be postponed to a date to be determined in 2022. 

Click here to see more. 

Upcoming events
Bio Based Industries Joint Undertaking
Bio Based Industries Consortium
European Union

This project has received funding from the Bio-based Industries Joint Undertaking (JU) under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No. 101023280. The JU receives support from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme and the Bio-based Industries Consortium.